Friday 18 October 2019

Should all Building halt?


There are regular complaints about 'traffic levels' by residents of Whitchurch, especially when housing developments or the School Run are being discussed. It is a very understandable concern especially from the residents local to the schools who already have to bear the brunt of regular pavement parking/driving, speeding vehicles and dangers to pedestrians and cyclists.

A Nursery pushed traffic up the agenda
One such example arose with a recent planning application for a Nursery to be placed on the Knowlings Field, an area of agricultural land used unofficially as open space, but with difficult access.
A regular theme amongst the objectors was that the surrounding access roads, notably Micheldever Road which already provides access to the Primary and Secondary schools could not cope with any more 'traffic'.
The Nursery was to have 8 car park spaces all of which would be served via Micheldever Road.
The application was refused.

So... A major question has arisen.

Is any more 'traffic' in Micheldever Road and on the roads that lead off it acceptable?

The question I seriously pose is should ALL increases traffic now be objected to? Where do we now stand when assessing smaller developments; ones where the increase would be requiring only one or two new vehicle spaces; those for single new houses or extensions in size of existing ones.
Each application will generate more traffic as planning regulations often require the provision of additional parking spaces if bed spaces increase

It could take just four or five such applications to reach the level that was proposed for the Nursery and so strongly opposed.

Should we now be rejecting ALL applications that could generate extra traffic?

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