Wednesday, 30 December 2020

Community Caretaker – more thoughts

One year ago I wrote this...

Maybe now is the time to start seriously looking at providing services ourselves in the form of some kind of community support – a 'community caretaker' maybe with the remit of some pro-active social liaison/education responsibilities (talking/advising), along with some reactive response activity to incidents when reported (bluntly – clearing up).

That was mainly in response to reports of anti-social behaviour, vandalisms and low level crimes.
But there is another aspect where an as-and-when-on-call  'Community caretaker' could play a very important role for Emergency safety needs.

Today it was reported that the short narrow concrete bridge that leads from Town Mill Lane to The Green over the small adjacent stream had been damaged with a railing removed.

A Facebook comment appeared with a picture stating:

"Better watch out if you’re out walking with little ones. This is the bridge that leads to and from Town Mills and The Green"

It was an immediate risk to safety

It was clear that any young child could easily fall in the river and suffer injury or worse. The bridge needed immediate attention even if only in a temporary way to maintain safety until a full repair could be undertaken.

Being over a holiday period no one was around, but the situation would have been the same at almost any time. It was reported to the online system with the usual standard response of:

"We will assess your enquiry as soon as possible. We receive around 70,000 enquiries each year which we prioritise according to the nature of the issue." 

"In most cases our staff will need to visit the site to make an assessment, which we aim to complete within two weeks, subject to availability."

So that's it. Two weeks to make an assessment.
Meanwhile the danger would remain and a child could fall into the river. 😟

BUT ... A resident steps in... Thankfully a community minded resident put up a section of netting themselves.

Two questions came to mind...

  1. Should Whitchurch have a small accessible store of equipment for such instances – maybe some tape, netting, brooms, bin bags, zip ties, shovels, and the like for small emergencies' that was made easily accessible; and/or
  2. Should Whitchurch have an on-call 'Community Caretaker' who could deal with such matters – such as, in this case, putting up some tape, warning signage or netting until a full repair could be undertaken?

Request made to Town Council...

Mindful of the other earlier requirements and also taking into account increasing costs on residents and the forthcoming budget arrangements, a request for a full review Town Council staffing needs has been made.

The request was made at the Town Council Meeting on 9th December 2020. This latest incident shows how important that request might be.

It would enable the subject of a possible community support role to be considered in conjunction with the local community.

I think such a service would be helpful, others may not, but do you?

Monday, 14 December 2020

Whitchurch Red Telephone Boxes – renovation

UPDATE 2  (5th April 2021) 

The paint kit has turned up, for which BT is to be thanked.
The work now starts to get a team of volunteers to help. Please be in touch if you wish to help.
Work will also be progressed to see if it can be given any legal protection.

UPDATE 1  (16th December 2020) 
BT have told me that they will be arranging a cleaning of the box and that they will 'consider a repainting' and will be in touch once their 'Regional Field Officer' has had a look.
Hopefully it will be possible to work with BT on the box's future and to at least ensure it is more presentable. More details when available.
Also looking at some 'protection' if possible as it's in the Conservation Area.


There used to be a number of the traditional red telephone boxes in Whitchurch but now there remains just one and, although in the Conservation Area, it is in a poor state of repair.

The red telephone box was introduced in 1926 and has since become a cultural icon and a feature of our street scenes in towns and villages across our British Isles. It has even spread further with examples in many other countries – becoming a symbol of Britain in places such as Barbados, Malta, Gibraltar and even in Australia. 

In 1935 the K6 design was introduced to celebrate King George V's Silver Jubilee with eventually around 65,000 K6 boxes being installed across the country. The boxes are made of cast iron with a teak door and weigh around three quarters of a ton.

The design was by the architect Sir Giles Gilbert Scott who was also designer of the Anglican Cathedral in Liverpool, Battersea and Bankside Power Stations, the latter now being the Tate Modern in London.

Fast forward to the 1980's and many were falling foul of vandalism and a lack of maintenance. Many were removed or replaced by a variety of new designs but the love for the traditional red icon remained with only around 3400 remaining in operation according to Historic England. Of these most are now 'Listed' (not the Whitchurch one though – see later).

But many continue to disappear from the landscape.

As their use has declined due much to the advent of the mobile phone, BT have been offering them for adoption and many local councils have taken them on in conjunction with their communities. Around the Whitchurch countryside several are now used as libraries, or for housing defibrillators, and some provide local information. In other places they have been used as art galleries, coffee bars, photo booths, even an ice cream dispenser and one became a pub! 

The Whitchurch box is still a working telephone and is not currently for adoption but its condition still deteriorates by the day. Are there ways to keep in operating and still be looked after?

The sadly lost Berehill box
The Lost Boxes

A few years ago the two red boxes in Whitchurch at Berehill and Queens Road were offered for adoption and there was a small campaign to retain them but there were no takers and they are now sadly gone.

The last remaining box is in Church Street and with BT still keeping it as an operating telephone but it is looking very sorry for itself – it badly needs a full paint and parts of the door are rotting. Whilst no one wants to lose the service of a public telephone, given its deteriorating condition its time must surely be limited unless some remedial work is undertaken.

Can we save our last red telephone box in Whitchurch?

Do we want to lose this?
There are some local people willing to help. Whitchurch Town Council has been already approached for 'support' and BT has been contacted to see what might be possible. There are also plans to see if it can be 'Listed' and thus be given some protection either through the national scheme or through a local listing with the Borough Council. 
Advice has also been sought from and provided from other Charity groups and Parish Councils that have also had similar situations and their help has been much appreciated, especially some wonderfully supportive people in Cornwall!

If there is anyone else willing to get involved, perhaps to help with some ideas in supporting retention of this important part of our town's street scene, then please make contact. 

...and even more? – if so could this be the catalyst needed to start some other community driven projects in our town to help make Whitchurch a more vibrant and attractive location?



Tuesday, 8 December 2020

Save our Pub Culture

*** WRITE NOW ***
Re: MEALS WITH DRINKS - in Public Houses in Tiers 1 and 2

Since this was written the situation has changed with many of the country's pubs falling into Tier 4 and closing completely.
However Kit Malthouse MP did not reply.

Laughing at the Scotch Egg jokes or talk of leaving half of potato on a plate to get another drink don’t help the real-life situation of our pubs and breweries or give us protection against Covid-19.
And is a pickled egg a meal?
Asking that misses the point.

The requirement to have a ‘meal' to be able to enjoy beer is, IMO, perhaps the most ridiculous and absurd of actions taken by this government. How that protects me I have no idea. 

Yes to social distancing, table service, face coverings, track and trace... but this?
All it does it destroy livelihoods, businesses and our pub culture, so important to the social and well-being of our community.

On 16th December the government will be announcing changes to the tiers. Let's get this meal requirement removed at the same time! (Update: They didn't remove it)
My own letter below to my MP could be used as a template should you wish or please write your own.

Support our Pubs and Breweries and all who work in them.


To: The Right Hon. Kit Malthouse MP

Re: MEALS WITH DRINKS - in Public Houses in Tiers 1 and 2.

Dear Mr. Malthouse,

Our public houses are a cornerstone of our communities, not just being places to eat and drink but also for being social havens for many; as well as combatting loneliness, isolation and community cohesion, all essential requirements in these difficult times.

The latest introduction of forcing the purchase of a meal to have an alcoholic drink is a step too far, not being backed up by any credible evidence or logic. The rules on social distancing, the wearing of face coverings, table service and use of track and trace when visiting public houses are all fully understood and have been accepted by many as having some degree of sense given the crisis we are in.
But the idea that eating a meal can be an additional protection against Covid just does not stack up – indeed it is making the government a laughing stock. The fall out is a lack of credibility and trust in any government announcements just when it is needed most. This has been shown so clearly with the disregard to social distancing in city centres across the country this last weekend.

A plate of food does nothing to stop the virus. It is a concept without foundations. The result is that many pubs that cannot provide food have decided to close; livelihoods are further threatened; businesses are under greater threat of collapse – and many pubs may never re-open again. This scapegoating of pubs means we all lose out.

I note it has been announced that the ‘tiers' are being reassessed on December 16th. Can you give your assurance that you will be requesting that at least the necessity to have a meal if you wish to have a drink will be lifted and give some hope to the local pubs that cannot provide food and to the local breweries that supply them.
It really was a step too far.

I look forward to your reply,

Yours faithfully,


John Buckley

Member Campaign for Real Ale
Member Campaign for Pubs
Councillor, Whitchurch Town Council, Hampshire

Views expressed are my own.

Tuesday, 1 December 2020

Loss of Services; Higher costs?

Loss of services; Increasing costs

Some things to ponder on Whitchurch residents share of the Council Tax through the Town Council's 'precept':
  • Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council are wanting to close its Public Toilets in Whitchurch (and elsewhere) and has asked if the Town Council might take them over (and of course the costs).
  • BDBC also want to either cease safety checking the Play Areas or to introduce a charge to Whitchurch Town Council for doing so.
  • On top of this BDBC are proposing to introduce Car Park charging in Whitchurch as well as raising Residential Parking Permit fees...
  • ... and introduce charges for Disabled Spaces in Council Car Parks where they are currently free.
  • BDBC are planning to cut grass cutting in urban areas by nearly half, from 13 to 8 times a year so our Whitchurch verges will be looked after less, but we will still be paying the same.
  • ... and jobs are being cut in the Borough Council too.
All of these issues, and others, could place further burdens on our increasingly strapped Whitchurch residents. 
AND our BDBC Council Tax will still go up. 

Double Taxation
What disturbs me most is that we are already paying for the Public Toilets and those Play Area safety checks through our ever-increasing BDBC Council Tax and now we are being asked to pay again through our local 'precept' – effectively Double Taxation. But don't get me wrong, I am aware that finance to BDBC has been drastically cut by central government; however they are a very well-off Council.

Is this fair? is it right?

These continuing cuts/charges are going to have a considerable effect on us at possibly the worst time ever for many.

A tough time ahead – what about the Town Council charges?
The next few years are going to be extremely tough. Many are losing livelihoods and jobs; incomes are being frozen; employment and inflation is rising. Businesses are collapsing and many individuals and families are suffering the devastating personal effects of Covid-19. All this needs to be recognised in how the Town Council sets its Precept for its own services along with keeping our own Town Council charges value for money. It is massively difficult for local Councillors.

Earlier this year I felt I could not support our Town Council's budget for 2020/21 as I felt the Administration element was out of proportion to what we were providing. When the final proposals for next year are collated and presented for 2021/22 in January, I really hope it will not be the same.

The future is going to be very hard on many and as a LOCAL Town Council my opinion is that we need to reach out, listen to, and help our LOCAL residents wherever we can. 

Perhaps it is clichéd but ..... We are all in this together.

Friday, 13 November 2020

The Whitchurch 59 Bus

The No.59 BUS 

An article produced for the Town Council (or anyone else)

As well as the Stagecoach bus services to Andover, Winchester and Basingstoke, Whitchurch has its own local bus service that currently runs three mornings a week – something it seems that many might not know (funded by Basingstoke Council with some support from Whitchurch)

Around the town
The No.59, which operates on a Hail & Ride basis as well as using the bus stops, traces a route around the town that includes London Road, Lynch Hill Park, Berehill, the Railway Station, Evingar Road, and Wells Lane/Church Street. It serves the Surgery and has stops outside the Co-op and Tescos. It also links Overton and Laverstoke into Whitchurch and visits Litchfield on demand.

Anyone can catch it for a small fixed fare and Bus Passes are valid too.

Flexible uses
The service provides a wide range of opportunities ranging from a shopping trip to a pop into town to meet friends for a coffee; and makes the surgery, the dentists, the chemist, the post office and other businesses all accessible. On a very practical level it is a tough walk up to the Knowlings, Fairfields or Lynch Hill with bags of shopping if other transport is not available – this bus makes it easy.

Social support
But perhaps its main value is the social support it provides to the less able or the more isolated members of the Whitchurch community. The benefits of preventing loneliness and of helping people to remain independent cannot be overstated, and the friendly drivers are always willing to help when assistance is required.

As with all services the value and cost are always being assessed and with the contract due for renewal next Spring the importance to the town needs to be shown to be beneficial. It is currently run by Basingstoke Community Transport with finance from Basingstoke & Deane and some support from Whitchurch Town Council.

With budgets now being formulated for next year, the question for local Whitchurch Town Councillors is should a local financial contribution continue.

Cllr John Buckley
Passenger and Sustainable Transport Representative
Whitchurch Town Council

Wednesday, 11 November 2020

The Cycle Racks have gone

Whitchurch Town Council (Hampshire) decided to remove the new cycle racks in the Town Centre, following representations from some local businesses and residents. Today, November 11th, workmen took them away. The Council is now to decide on new locations.

Whilst as a Councillor I have to accept and respect the decision, it does not mean I have to agree with it. 

In the very week that we are all being advised by the Government to walk or cycle as part of the second Covid lockdown, this cycle parking was removed. Various reasons were given ranging from not being used, to being an obstruction and even that they restricted use of the pavements for trade vehicles.

However, support for cycling in shopping areas is known to improve their vitality and economic viability.  When lockdown is over, help for local traders will be essential to help them survive, with recovery likely to take several years for many. Those locations that think smarter are likely to be the ones that prosper most.

Sometimes poor decisions are made. In my opinion this one was short-sighted.

The racks before removal.

Some claimed they were never used.

Now the racks have gone and all is quiet.

Here is something to consider when looking at the above:

These are entirely my own views – and not those of Whitchurch Town Council

Monday, 12 October 2020

Jelly Babies and Customer Service


My grandson and I like Jelly Babies; not the squishy Bassetts variety, but the harder drier and less sugary ones.

So instead of using the local convenience stores we tried an independent paper/sweet shop where they have them in those ‘old-fashioned’ jars. You remember – those jars that were in shops where a welcoming friendly person behind a counter gave you a smile and valued your custom.

Firstly we selected some tubes of sweets including pastilles that we wanted, then we looked at the jars on the shelves.

We asked if we could try a Jelly Baby before deciding on a purchase. “Definitely not” came the snapped response with a severe and quite threatening stare to match. 

It took me aback somewhat.

Now I like using independent shops, and supporting small businesses, but they also need to help themselves and a bit of pleasantry goes a long way. But there was no shifting the icy glare. 

Sale lost

So the other potential purchases were put back on the shelves and their sale was lost, along with quite a bit of goodwill. 

“You wouldn’t expect to try something in Tesco’s” came a curt call as we left, the irony of the remark obviously not understood. Dead right I wouldn’t and that is EXACTLY why I had tried the small independent shop, hoping for a more personal service. 

Instead it was the national chain business convenience stores that were to get our business.

Small Shops? Independent traders? 

They too need to remember customer service and common courtesy costs very little. Just being small and local is not enough. It is, or should be an inherent advantage and many will pay a little more to support them, but I fear more businesses will fold if they don’t recognise the importance of providing a pleasant experience for the customer. 

Oh did I hate writing the above – it should be so unnecessary


Tuesday, 22 September 2020


The camaraderie and friendship of cyclists is something that permeates deep through the cycling world. Whenever two or more meet there is an instant rapport and love of the common bond of two wheels.
We wave as we pass, we smile, we help each other, we chat chains and gear ratios, and we stop to lend inner tubes by the roadside. We are friends.

So one recent morning was most odd. 

As I went out to sort my bins a chap went past on the path and, naturally as ‘cyclists' do, I looked at his bike. 

“Why yer lookin’ at ma bike” came the gruffest of aggressive growls with a piercing stare, worthy of my old Maths teacher when I was chewing a toffee.

It was weird, as I was admiring his machine and was about to praise his cycling to school with his young lad.
Have the stresses of Covid and social-distancing affected friendly interaction? 
Not sure.
But if I come across him with a flat tyre, I’ll still offer to help. 

Because that’s what cyclists do. 😀

It's the camaraderie. 

Saturday, 22 August 2020

Thoughts on XR and the future

How long do we have left?

I admit to have become uneasy about Extinction Rebellion and some of their tactics that have resulted in physical damage. Its difficult, as I believe that the non-violent civil-disobedience strategy has much merit but I cannot see much being achieved, nor do I see a way out.

Is 'Climate Emergency' just a tick?
Announcements by local authorities and well-meaning organisations declaring “Climate Emergencies” seem simply to be talking shop statements, announced to earn a political green tick or to gain a warm internal glow rather than achieving anything meaningful.

What can we do?
In the ‘real world’ my own efforts to separate household rubbish, starting a compost bin, growing a few vegetables in a pot and not to drive seem meagre gestures towards retention of a habitable planet for my children and their children.
Today I looked into the innocent smiling eyes of my newest grandson. I admit it was hard as thoughts came of just what are we leaving him? How strong do messages need to be before it is realised we really are moving towards the eradication of human life?

I look around and see so many unwilling to even contemplate the need for even the smallest of changes, let alone actually make any.
And worse of all I feel powerless to do anything about it.

The thoughts above came after watching this video, a new film from Extinction Rebellion, a 30-minute version of the XR Introductory Talk about climate change and how it is affecting all life on the planet.

Wednesday, 8 July 2020

Where is the fairness?

Today's announcements from our 'government'...

A reduction of VAT to 5% on food and non-alcoholic drinks for the Hospitality industry.

So? What is wrong with this?

It is supposed to help the public house but favours the large operators above the traditional hard working local publicans who serve their small communities. And here in Whitchurch we are small community with traditional pubs.

The small community-focussed wet-led pubs, so important as our centres of social value draw the short straw and are ignored, as these VAT cuts fall in the laps of the better off. There is no VAT reduction on your refreshing pint of beer, or your warming brandy.

Many publicans countrywide are saying this is firm kick in the teeth while the likes of the Hungry Horses, the Wetherspoons and the Beefeaters of this world are provided with handouts to help line their pockets, while those who simply provide an honest pint do not.

The small independents who have worked so hard to survive over the past months with their home deliveries and 'extra' services, not just beers but also delivering compost, vegetables and the Sunday joint come to mind for me. They get next to nothing. 

There is a small lovely country pub just down the road, turned around from closure into a wonderful centre for its village and surrounding area. In just five years it went from a near derelict run down building into a lovely warm welcoming refuge that caters for everyone. Such was the community spirit and ethos that was built up it gained several awards, culminating in the National Pub of the Year.
This is what the landlord said after hearing today's announcement:

"My lowest day as a Pub landlord.... For all I have done and many other community old traditional boozer landlords like me too. UK government see fit to give restaurants a financial advantage over us as we are marginalised and not considered worthy of support within the Hospitality sector."

Where is the fairness?

Britain was supposed to be supportive of the small business – no longer.

Despicable is too tame a word.

Just remember that when you tuck into that Harvester 2-for-1, hand over a Stonegate/JDW/Whoever Discount Voucher, or take a Brewer's Fayre Sunday special.
Think first – is this the business I should be supporting? Or should it be the hard working independent publican around the corner? 

Once again our pub heritage is given scant all support from this government.

Saturday, 18 April 2020

Accessibility Scheme in Whitchurch

Over the last couple of years work has been ongoing on an Accessibility Scheme to improve safety and access within Whitchurch.

It is a Hampshire County Council scheme using funding from various developers and HCC have been liaising closely with both Whitchurch and Basingstoke local councils. That liaison in itself is fairly unusual and is to be highly commended.

I have been one of the Whitchurch Councillors involved (along with BDBC and HCC) and who also pushed for local input. 
I believe the proposals made by Hampshire are very good as they incorporate many wishes of local residents and also address many of the issues raised within the Whitchurch Neighbourhood Plan and other adopted policies.

The scheme is made up of many smaller projects from footpath improvements to traffic calming measures, safer routes to schools and cycle routes in town and to the countryside.

While everyone will have their own views, above all I believe they put PEOPLE FIRST.

  • To improve accessibility and safety in Whitchurch, this scheme will comprise of the following;
  • Improve pedestrian facilities from residential area to local schools; 
  • Improve cycle access across the town centre;
  • Enhance pedestrian safety for existing crossing points with signage and road markings;
  • Improve the A34 Tufton junction with additional traffic management.

Details of schemes can all be seen here:

HCC have recently undertaken a Consultation.

I support the scheme (See added comments though)
At the time of writing (April 2020) Whitchurch Town Council's or Basingstoke Borough Council's official responses were not available. 
(UPDATE: Support has subsequently been given)



Submitted Friday 17th April (items in italics are subsequently added comments)

General Comments:
Q. ONE (Free text field in Consultation)
The town would become much more pleasant and safer in which to live with my family. Removing many of the detrimental impacts of traffic that make local journeys hazardous for day to day journeys between homes and essential services, shops, schools, the surgery, workplaces and the countryside is essential for a safe, viable and prosperous community. We would use local services more, shop locally and reduce need to travel so much elsewhere.

General Comments:
Q. TWO (Free text field in Consultation)
The town is dominated by motor traffic which makes safe travel by other means dangerous and unpleasant. It suffers from excessive traffic and narrow pavements. Both walking and cycling are hazardous. The roads and traffic dominate the town when priority should be 'people first'. There is no enforcement of traffic speed and crossing roads is fraught with danger especially for the less mobile, while cycling sees vehicles trying to squeeze past, adding danger to the most vulnerable as well as frustrations to drivers. Much pavement driving (and parking) also takes place.

General Commenta:
Q. THREE (Free text field in Consultation)
These projects will make walking and cycling much more safer and encourage less local motor vehicle use making Whitchurch a more pleasant place to live. They will improve access to shops, businesses, schools, workplaces, essential services, and the countryside, and enhance both liveability and the local economy.
People need to be put first and be able to feel safe when moving around.


1. Prince Regent Steps

Supported, but without comment, although noted there is an alternative route.

2 (a). Winchester Road Build out

Supported. This build-out will make road crossing easier and safer as well as slowing traffic at a crucial points. It is an important crossing between a busy footpath to/from housing, the Recreation Ground, Schools and Parks on one side, and to the Silk Mill, Community Centre, Library and Car Park on the other.
This section of road is notorious for fast traffic.
(This installation also helps drivers see pedestrians. Tactile paving and drop kerbs also help sight impaired and those with mobility scooters, pushchairs, etc) 

2 (b). Footpath to Recreation Ground

Supported. The path levels here cause puddles which are very difficult to traverse (and they freeze in winter) – even to the extent of a plank being provided at times. Lighting is poor as obstructed by trees. These improvements are badly needed.

3. London Road build out / crossing (updated)

Supported. This will greatly enhance safety on crossing on an important route to the Primary School. 
Update: After input from residents and also a HCC redesign, this project was subsequently removed. 
Whitchurch Town Council withdrew support for this particular project after a number of objections, although still recognised that safety issues need addressing. 
A call for consideration for a school patrol crossing has been passed to HCC.

4. Micheldever Road

Supported. Traffic speed here is much too fast – the build out will help reduce speeds and provide a safer crossing from Testbourne School to/from housing areas. 
(It is also a link between from school area to Skatepark (after school use) and Knowlings area to Testbourne Gym and onwards. Tactile paving and drop kerbs help sight impaired and those with mobility scooters, pushchairs, etc) 

5. Alliston Way

Supported. The Alliston Way/McFauld shared-use route will make this section much safer especially at school time when vehicles mount pavements almost daily. Head on conflicts are commonplace at all times and the pull-in will help that. This should encourage more to walk/cycle to the schools rather than drive. 
(drivers regularly drive along the pavement. The dragons teeth should also prevent this)

6. McFauld Way

Supported. As above, plus it removes conflict in the housing area by provision of the new access route to the school. The extra parking is also supported.

Note: This whole area including The Knowlings is also fraught with parking problems and permit parking may be another solution (in addition to the proposals). Enforcement of pavement/bend parking is needed.

7. Evingar Road/Wells Lane crossroads

Supported to help stop pavement mounting. 
(tactile paving and drop kerbs help sight impaired and those with mobility scooters, pushchairs, etc) 

8. Newbury Road

Supported. Traffic here is too fast. Physical calming would be preferred.

9. B3400/Hillside

Supported. This is an important link from Lynch Hill Park towards the schools via Hillside. Could the 20mph area be moved east of the build out as it is on a brow of a hill and also include the Lynch Hill park junction (as it was originally planned to do). 
(tactile paving and drop kerbs help sight impaired and those with mobility scooters, pushchairs, etc) 

 10. Church Street

Supported. Road surface is poor and a crossing dropped kerb to the only accessible footpath along the river in town is much needed.
(tactile paving and drop kerbs help sight impaired and those with mobility scooters, pushchairs, etc)  

11. Daniel Road Footway

(school access with pushchairs, scooters enhanced and conflicts with traffic removed) 

 12. Tufton – Whitchurch

Supported. The shared use route to Tufton will massively improve safety for walking/cycling on a very popular route linking the town to the countryside on what is a very fast and wide national limit road and junction.
Families and others use this to reach Tufton/the River areas and the Test Valley countryside towards Longparish.

13. A34 Slip Road

Supported. The work here is essential to remove that high risk of head on collisions at the Tufton Nun’s Walk turning.

ALL SCHEMES ARE SUPPORTED (with the comments above)

Tuesday, 17 March 2020

Town Centre Pavement Parking


What effect would it have on Whitchurch town centre?
Make your own mind up.
Better or Worse?

The Government is planning to introduce legislation that could ban pavement parking, following in the footsteps of laws which are already to be implemented in Scotland next year.

Living Streets details here – it is worth reading.

Take a look at Whitchurch centre. 
Is this acceptable?

And given the growing popularity of cycling it is not just motor vehicles that are using the pavements.
Parking for cycles in the centre is also needed, although there has been opposition.
Existing racks are to be removed – one reason given is that they prevent vehicles going on the pavement.
Yes really.

Monday, 2 March 2020

Why I voted against Council Budget

This year I chose to vote against the Town Council's proposed budget for 2020/21 as I believe funds are better used for local amenities and services than covering increasing administration costs.

This was my response I made to the proposals which were for increasing the Precept by 4.1% AND using over £13,000 of reserves to cover increasing costs.

As our town increases in size and at the same time cuts are being made by both Basingstoke and Hampshire Councils it falls more on the Town Council to provide for our residents.

Indeed HCC said at their Parish workshop last year “It is The Age of the Parish” ie they expect Parishes to take on more responsibilities.

We have choices; to accept the situation that our services and infrastructure will suffer more, or shift focus towards making our town a better place.

Last autumn, committees were asked to look at ‘savings’ which was primarily a tightening up on housekeeping rather than ‘cuts’. That made sense - but it was not until last week that the full proposals and figures have been presented.
Quite frankly this budget scares me.

Whitchurch already has by far the highest precept in BDBC (edit – has the second highest) and is now it is likely to send the figure sky-high when compared to other parishes.
In particular the ‘Administration’ costs seem to be rocketing.

I don’t see the increase between last year’s Admin budget and next year’s being a move that will endear the Council to residents without seeing a corresponding commitment to much needed amenities and services our residents deserve.
And looking ahead it seems these costs continue to increase far above the rate of inflation.

It seems the proposal made is to use excess reserves to 'bail out’ this situation – funds that belong to the people of Whitchurch, and having accrued, should really be used for better purposes – community amenities and improvements.

In short, I do not believe we should be using reserves to prop up growing administration costs at the expense of providing improved amenities and facilities.

A year ago we were heralding a very healthy outlook yet that no longer seems the case.
I really want to be proved wrong.


I voted against the proposals. The vote was PASSED, so I accept the result and will get on with trying to get best value for our town. That's how democracy works.

I do wonder what will happen next year.

Friday, 14 February 2020

New Cycle Parking in Whitchurch

Cycles against walls
and windows.
(click to enlarge)
Whitchurch has new Cycle Parking
Let's thank those who provided it.

An excellent local project was initiated in November 2018 by a resident who had contacted the Town Council about cycle parking in the town. In an email they had requested installation of further cycle racks having noticed the vast increase in cyclists using the town and the business they brought. In February 2020 they were installed.

This was close to my own heart as cycling can bring increased trade and vitality to a town as well as encourage more to forsake their cars for short journeys, a benefit that has wide benefits for all ranging from improved health to increased safety.

Whitchurch is a popular
cycling destination.
Whitchurch is on cycle routes
Cycling is massively popular in the area with the town being both a weekend and a midweek stop for both individuals and groups of cyclists. It is a prime location in the lovely Test Valley, being close to the National Cycle Network route 246 and it has featured as a control point in a number of events. It is also on the official Trafalgar Way a route used by cyclists following the London to Falmouth carriage of dispatches.

Many cyclists who often stop to use the excellent cafés and pubs, use the shops and visit the attractions such as the renowned Silk Mill. But popularity can bring its own problems and cycles are often propped up against windows and walls and sometimes block pavements and doorways. Cycles have fallen on the ground and with limited parking they have even been wheeled into shops, as security can be a concern to their owners.

Some of the new parking.
Some informal discussion with cycling groups and a number of local residents took place to determine best needs.
From my own experience, and from this talking to people a prime requirement was that hiding cycle parking away does not work – it won’t be used – it needs to be visible for security reasons. 
These provide that visibility, although I would have liked some colour, but that could follow.

Helping the town
This parking will help pedestrians by keeping footways clear of cycles against shops and doorways and, provide an amenity for visitors, residents and businesses, while also helping drivers as the more who cycle the more congestion is reduced.

It also supports climate change principles in encouraging sustainable transport, and complements aims within the local Neighbourhood Plan and other wider Borough and County cycling strategies. Nearly one in five in one Whitchurch survey said they would cycle more if there were more cycle parking and there are studies that have shown that cyclists are amongst the highest contributors to local shopping economies.

Making Whitchurch a better place
Whitchurch, like many small growing towns, suffers from far too much traffic, adding to dangers for all, increased pollution and frayed tempers. By providing those who cycle with the facilities they need Whitchurch can become a much safer and pleasant place to live, shop and work. Sometimes a small thing like a few cycle racks can help make a big difference.



There are a small number who have made objections about the installation and location of this cycle parking.
Reasons have included – it stops people parking on the pavement, they are unsightly, they are not needed and they hinder deliveries.

If you support the provision of this amenity I therefore encourage all who see the WIDER BENEFITS to send their comments to Whitchurch Town Council.

The Council's email is here: WHITCHURCH TOWN COUNCIL


Friday, 17 January 2020

Parking near School – Response

A Consultation on Parking Controls to be placed in Alliston Way and McFauld Way near the Primary School in Whitchurch has been published by Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council.

For some background to this problems in the area see:

This was my personal submission:
Parking Proposals Alliston Way / McFauld Way Whitchurch


I wish to support the draft proposals together with a few reservations and comments. I am aware that this is also part of a wider scheme with Hampshire County Council that includes some infrastructure changes to pavements, shared use pedestrian/cycle access to the Primary School, and a passing point, all of which I support.

The area is one that suffers parking on verges, corners, pavements and regular driving along the footways. I am aware of collisions and injuries in the area caused by the traffic conditions which are worse around school drop off/pick up time. The parking also damages kerbs and grassed areas as well as creating obstacles for those using pushchairs, wheelchairs or mobility scooters. There are major conflicts between motor traffic and more vulnerable road users.

As a regular cyclist and walker, Alliston Way is particularly dangerous as motorists drive at an excessive speed from one end to the other on the single carriageway, in order to avoid meeting vehicles travelling in the opposite direction. This is exacerbated by the bend which restricts visibility. Improving sight-lines for drivers emerging at the Alliston /McFauld Way ’T’ is essential as vehicles parked close to the corner cause left turning drivers to swing out into the right hand lane without being able to see what is approaching from the southern (Micheldever Road) direction. Head-on conflicts are common which also results in regular pavement driving beside the Play area.

I am aware the proposals, in order to improve visibility from the ’T’ junction, reach further than the Highway Code 10 metres from a junction rule, and that this may reduce on road parking by a small amount. I do wonder if there is a possibility of moving the planned for HCC scheme passing point slightly further northwards and maintain the required sightlines, along with reducing the no parking area by a few metres to help local residents who live opposite the Recreation Ground. Perhaps that could be looked at jointly with the HCC Engineers, but I do feel it should only be changed if implemented with a Residents Parking Scheme (see below).

I am also aware that on-road parking is at a premium and the residents suffer from parking by some who do not live in the area. I believe some businesses have even suggested that employees park in Alliston Way so as to leave their own parking areas clear for visitors / customers. As result I believe a residents' parking permit scheme may help and I request that it is considered, not just for Alliston Way but for the whole area.

It is possible that proposals might move problems elsewhere where existing properties have restrictions places outside them and where there are already multiple vehicles. As a result I believe a full assessment of the needs of the whole area for all road users would be beneficial. There are specific areas in nearby roads that also suffer, particularly from parking on the footway, verges and junction corners. Notably these are around Daniel Road, Rampton Road, the rest of Alliston Way and the roads off, as well as into the Knowlings. In my opinion I believe a residents permit scheme for the whole area may be a potential solution and should be explored.
I also believe that many problems could be mitigated should the Testbourne Bus area be utilised as a Primary School Drop Off/Park and Stride location once buses are removed from Micheldever Road through use of the Mill Springs Development dedicated bus drop off point. Can this be given some urgency?

I believe the proposals will make it much easier and safer for Emergency vehicles. However I am also aware of the future HCC plans which incorporate a pull in bay and dragons teeth along the footway edge in Alliston Way which might make the footway/recreation ground unavailable for emergency vehicle use. Is it possible to allow the double yellows to have an exception for emergency use or for hospital transport drop off? Or is that allowed anyway? Could any exception apply to the proposed pull in should it be approved?

At a time when we need to be reducing reliance on driving to deal with the climate change emergency we need to make our environment much safer for those walking, cycling or scooting to school, both for health benefits including reducing high obesity levels and also on air quality grounds. Motor vehicles are a major contributor to harmful emissions and climate change but while roads and pavements remain unsafe few will change their means of travel if they perceive walking or cycling still makes them and their children more vulnerable.

Every localised scheme is likely to be a compromise but in this case I think a good scheme has been produced that answers many of the safety issues, particularly over the head-on situations that occur, and on the visibility issues. However, much will still depend on both enforcement and on road users giving each other respect. Any parking scheme needs enforcement or it has potential for being a pointless exercise.
Hence I support this scheme but with a few reservations and the suggestions included above, although my belief is that the majority of these proposals would be unnecessary if the Highway Code were adhered to and enforced.

Whilst I am a Town Councillor in Whitchurch these views are wholly my own as an individual Whitchurch resident.


John Buckley

Wednesday, 1 January 2020

A Community Caretaker?

I write this on Day One of 2020 as a 'Letter' to the Town Council.

I thought I ought to share this. 
Whilst not a good end to 2019 it has opportunities for 2020/21

As you probably know Nitrous Oxide in small canisters is used to get ‘high’s and has been dubbed ‘Hippie Crack’. Abuse can have serious results that may lead to disablement and, although rare, death. It certainly results in anti-social behaviours.
I first came across it in some backstreet parts of Bristol a couple of years ago but now it seems to be widespread in our own lovely town of Whitchurch.

On social media this week and directly today there were reports of discarded canisters being found at:
  • Kingsley Park where a young girl tripped over one; 
  • At the bench near Longs Court (I’m guessing Great Lane); 
  • Around Firsway;
  • Evingar Road at the entrance to Ardglen;
  • At the bench by the Surgery;
  • At the bench by the dog dip (Fulling Mill path);
  • At the end of Bere Hill near the field entrance;
  • Witan Court on path between play park and Allotments;
  • At the Gill Nethercott Centre;
Plus it was said...
“A lot of drug related paraphernalia left on and around the bench at Kingsley Park most mornings”,
“The bushes on the right hand side [of Kingsley Park] are also used as a toilet (evidence of human faeces).”

Given that these were all reported by a limited audience there are sure to be many other places too.

One resident said about the Kingsley Park:
“ We collected over 30 [cannisters] the other day! My Dad usually goes on an early morning walk and collects up the mess before any children get to the park. Disgusting! it makes me angry and sad!”

What do we do?
Police presence is near non-existent, the Tadley-based PCSO is rarely seen (is one in post?) and the new Basingstoke based Community Safety Patrol Officer, although welcome, has a massive area to cover.

Maybe now is the time to start seriously looking at providing services ourselves in the form of some kind of community support – a 'community caretaker' maybe with the remit of some pro-active social liaison/education responsibilities (talking/advising), along with some reactive response activity to incidents when reported (bluntly – clearing up). 

I believe our residents deserve support in this and this could be a worthwhile outlay. It may also be possible to share with other local concerned parties.

As a positive end of year message I believe this is worthy of consideration. 
How could it be progressed?


Cllr John Buckley
Whitchurch Town Council