Some local discussions on road safety and dangers on our streets have raised what could be a very worrying trend.
This has been brought home to me recently in no uncertain terms on three separate occasions, and it referred to that big bugbear in my own town – speeding drivers.
I have been robustly informed that speed limits are "only advisory" - "because they are unenforced and even unenforceable". One respected colleague even claimed the source of this was the police themselves.
With police resources being decimated, there are many laws which are no longer enforced adequately, or even at all, but that does not mean that as a society we should not individually or collectively respect them. They are still the Law and the Police are still duty bound to uphold them.
This lack of police resources has many downsides not least the risk of falling confidence that can and sometimes does result in people taking the law into their own hands.
Another disturbing fallout is that more people are believing that if a law is not enforced, then it is no longer a law, despite them being backed up by legislation.
What other illegal practices will be excused because a lack of police enforcement makes the law "only advisory"? Will it be burglaries, shop lifting, vandalism? How far will this shift in thinking go - drugs, muggings, stabbings?
Thin ends of wedges come to mind.
Laws are determined by Acts of Parliament and there is public democratic input before they can be introduced. That a growing number of people believe that these laws are no longer Laws because of limited or no enforcement is more than disturbing.
If the police and our law system is to keep any respect it needs the police to take firm immediate action and quell this perception, or we all risk falling into a state of fear and anarchy.
Maybe our Police and Crime Commissioner could take a lead on this?
Meanwhile, as was confirmed to me at a Police Drop-in Session, ALL the speed limits in the town whether 40, 30 or 20 are LEGALLY enforceable. They are backed up by Traffic Orders and need respecting.
But why don't the police enforce them?
But why don't the police enforce them?
For those who may have forgotten their Highway Code - circular signs are mandatory, triangular are warnings, and rectagular signs are informative.